Christmas Arts & Crafts Collective, Falmouth
Christmas Arts & Crafts Collective
Come and join us for a charming Xmas fair at the Princes Pavilion in Falmouth. A selection of talented local makers will exhibit their xmas creations to include art, ceramics, jewellery, prints and much more. All beautifully handmade so plenty for you to choose from.
Friday 2nd Dec 5- 9pm
Sat. 3rd Dec 10-5 pm &
Sun. 4th Dec 10-4pm
41 Melville Road, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4AR
There will be a raffle and the prizes are a selection of arts and craft work that the stall holders has contributed. Money will be donated for charity, the Hospice and the Little Hamlet Alpacas with special memory of Keren Hughes.